If you want to prepare for a profession and at the same time obtain a Realschule certificate, you can attend Berufsfachschule I. If you want to start a craft apprenticeship as a wood sculptor at Berufsfachschule II, you can become a journeyman in three years. Four assistant professions are offered at the Berufsfachschule III in Flensburg, which may subsequently enable you to study at a university of applied sciences.
Berufsfachschule I (O-Level)
The main focus of this course is either on design, construction, electrical or mechanical technology with the educational goal of preparing for jobs in the electrical and metal sector and to extend the general education. This course lasts two years and leads to an O-level qualification.
Berufsfachschule II (Woodcarving)
The college also offers a three years training to become wood sculptor.
Berufsfachschule III (Assistant courses)
The 'Berufsfachschule III' offers job-related and general knowledge which meets the requirements for admission of study at a university of applied science. After graduation students get the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife). Job-related subjects prepare the students for the final examination for the qualification 'Technical Assistant'. Minimum requirement for this education is the 0-level qualification. The duration of this training is two years. During these two years students are taught in job-related subjects and additionally in English, German, mathematics and politics.
After the successful qualification for the 'Technical Assistant for Information and Communication' students have the possibility to attend the 'Berufsoberschule (BOS)'. Finishing this training successfully, students get the qualification to study at a university. After the qualification as 'Technical Assistant' students can start working in industry and crafts. Some parts of the training are being held at the 'University of Applied Science Flensburg', which is cooperating with the ECKENER SCHULE. The IKTA-course is a new and challenging training in Schleswig-Holstein.
(A students' work):
Course "Information- and Communication- Technology Assistant"
Your minimum requirement to start this course is the O- Level qualification. During the years at college you get skills in programming, electronics, information- and communication technology. These skills are intensified at the University of Applied Science Flensborg, where the students attend lectures and workshops on a regular basis. After the education you have gained professional experience, which enables you to work in interesting positions in industry and trade.
Further courses on this level are "digital design", "Energy management" and "media technology".