College Profile

The “Eckener-Schule” in Flensburg

The Eckener-College is a technical college located high in the North of Germany very close to the Danish border.

Named after the painter Alex Eckener and his world-famous brother, the aviator and airship developer Dr. Hugo Eckener, who were born and raised in Flensburg, this combination of design and technology is the declared objective of the college policy. The diversity of vocational fields and levels at the Eckener-College is one of its outstanding strengths.

Higher and further education courses

There are about 2200 students and 110 teaching staff. The departments of the apprenticeship section are mechanical engineering, electrical engineer, woodworking, facility management, car technology, florists and painters.

There are numerous higher and further education courses in various subjects:  

The College of Further Education is part of the “Eckener-Schule”. It offers courses in Electrical Engineering, Facility Management, mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Wood Machining, Interior and Spatial Design.

The courses lead to a qualification as “state certified technician” as well as the entry qualification for a study at the university of applied sciences.

The following educational objectives are central aspects of all courses: Practice-oriented training in technical theory and practical training as a basis for an optimal transition into employment and a successful career in various fields such as development, manufacturing, sales and maintenance.

Basis for a successful career

A solid general education including adequate language training as a basis for active participation in the technical subjects chosen as well as the social life and a wide range of practical skills in modern information and communications technologies, as a key asset in a globalized world of work. Independent, responsible and project-oriented thinking, self-reliance, teamwork and basic knowledge of staff management as a basis for a successful career. The students also achieve the relevant economic and juristic competence required for managing an independent company in conjunction with a socially and environmentally-compatible concept of service.


At present 185 students are enrolled at the College of Further Education. About 200 students are enrolled at the Department of Higher Education. The focal point there is information technology.

The courses vary between one and three years. By teaching vocational and general contents, these vocational course lead to a qualification, which is equivalent to A-level standards and qualify the students to study at a general university or a university of applied sciences.

The Eckener-College  has participated in several  cross-national projects and exchanges.